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Sean Diediker

Fireside (after Joseph Henry Sharp painting titled “Daylight Firelight”)

Oil on canvas, Image: 30”h x 22.5”w, framed: 37.75"h x 30.25"w, Item No. 17792,

Iʼve always admired the use of firelight in Sharpʼs paintings. By manipulating the hue of his flesh tones he evokes that warm, almost hypnotic feeling that can only be achieved when in close proximity of a burning fire. He did this in multiple works and my personal favorites include designs where you canʼt see the primary light source at all, only the implied light.

I took inspiration from six of Sharps paintings, all of which apply the above concept. But perhaps his work “Daylight and Firelight” illustrates it best. Similarly in my own painting “Fireside,” I excluded the primary light source allowing the stripes of the rug to symbolize flame and bringing more focus to the ensconced subject reverently pondering the source of comfort at her feet.

-Sean Diediker