Arte y Alma, or Art and Soul, is an appropriately titled series of new portraits that celebrate creative expression and the source from which it arises. Currier seeks to connect with the deepest level at which that creative expression originates, the soul. By soul, Currier refers to the imperishable: one’s pure heart essence or “life force.” In this new series of paintings Currier attempts to tap into the ineffable by embracing a multitude of pathways such as the Visual Arts, Martial Arts, Meditation, Dance, Poetry and Music.
Currier weaves her message between layers of paint and collage created from bits of trash collected from her travels. The use of trash allows her to use materials close at hand while also implying an interconnectedness through our globalized world. The act of transfiguring discarded material into something beautiful is an acknowledged spiritual practice for Currier, and a process that is incorporated in all of her work.

For artist Erin Currier art exceeds the boundaries of region, language, and religion. She is a humanist artist, passionately devoted to furthering social transformation through the creation of her mixed media portrait art. Her artwork is collected both publicly and privately and can be found in collections including that of the University of Arizona Museum of Art in Tucson, California State University, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Embassy in Washington, DC, and the Harwood Museum in Taos, New Mexico.

Tango performance by 8th Style Tango. You can view a video of the performance HERE.

We are also pleased to announce the launch of Erin Currier's 2023 Calendar at Blue Rain Print Shop. You can buy the calendar HERE while supplies last.