Bruce LaFountain

Sculpture, Bronze Sculpture

"Simplicity and beauty combine fluidly in the sculpture of Bruce LaFountain. Bruce has created a body of work that has redefined the concept of typical Native American sculpture. His is an art form that can exist in any market or setting.

Raised on the Turtle Mountain Reservation, Bruces …

"Simplicity and beauty combine fluidly in the sculpture of Bruce LaFountain. Bruce has created a body of work that has redefined the concept of typical Native American sculpture. His is an art form that can exist in any market or setting.

Raised on the Turtle Mountain Reservation, Bruces unique ancestry is Chippewa, French and Cree. This heritage is reflected in his sculpture through his use of the warrior image and animal motifs. Bruce draws from his Native American heritage to bring life experiences to completion through sculpture.

Bruce finds inspiration in the mundane complexities of everyday life. ""When I work, I think about these experiences,"" he says. ""Sculpture takes them all and puts them in a medium that I can look at and see the truth. My challenge is to remove the excess, to return to an original state of simplicity.""

Bruce prefers working with the hardest stones, enjoying the deliberate pace that allows him to draw out the nature of each piece.

Today, Bruce LaFountain is considered to be one of the masters of modern contemporary sculpture. Bruces work can be found in museums, galleries and private collections throughout the country, including the Smithsonian."

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